Patriot Maritime is a leading maritime contractor to the U.S. Government, managing and operating vessels. Patriot owns and operates the shallow draft tanker Haina Patriot under contract with MSC and currently manages seven Ready Reserve Force (RRF) ships for the United States Maritime Administration (MARAD); eight Watson class Large Medium Speed RO-RO vessels for the United States Navy, Military Sealift Command (MSC); and a shallow draft tanker for Schuyler Line Navigation Company.
Patriot has managed a wide range of vessel types for MARAD and MSC, including RO-RO vessels, LASH vessels, and general cargo vessels, powered by steam propulsion, slow speed diesels, medium speed diesels, and gas turbines. Patriot maintains a network of highly experienced mariners and vessel managers who are capable of skillfully operating a wide range of vessels used for both rapid military support and active special military operations.
Patriot has conducted over 100 on-time vessel activations for the US Government fleets. These activations often occur with no advance notice, to test Patriot’s ability to respond rapidly to the needs of the US Military. In each case, we leveraged our experience, skilled staff, effective work processes and efficient structure to fulfill all commitments and requirements and ensure that the vessels were ready for full operations in the allotted time.
Our organization prides itself on its high state of readiness and its ability to respond quickly to our customer’s needs. Patriot’s professionalism has been recognized with a Professional Ship Manager award by the Maritime Administration. Previously Patriot operated The USNS WATERS, a Special Mission Vessel for the Military Sealift Command and eleven Surge LMSR vessels, including six new construction BOB HOPE Class vessels. We successfully operated and maintained those vessels in both Reduced Operating Status (ROS) and in worldwide Full Operating Status (FOS), sometimes in the most remote areas of the world. Our masters and crews are well versed in both ROS and FOS vessel operation, having provided worldwide ocean transportation service to the military through the U.S. and multi-national exercises such as Cobra Gold, RIMPAC, and Foal Eagle, and through real-world operations such as Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). Patriot-operated LMSR and RRF vessels have carried cargoes for military units that have included spare parts, containers, ammunition, aircraft, construction equipment, and combat unit armament.
Patriot's methodology for ship operations is based on the international model for ship management. This model is founded upon a qualified well-trained shipboard management team and crew. This professional, sea-going cadre is supported by a core team of shoreside professionals dedicated to a specific group or fleet of ships, which in turn is supported by a well-trained, experienced administrative staff and sophisticated information technology systems. Patriots's ships are operated and managed in accordance with the highest international and U.S. Government standards, including requirements outlined in the ISM Code and ISO9001:2015, ISO 14001 (environmental management) and ISO 27001 (information security). PCS-specific management procedures in support of ship operations, including purchasing, accounting and property control, are approved by DCAA, DCMA, MARAD and/or MSC.
Maximize Safety
Maximize Vessel Reliability
Minimize Cost
Provide for and improve the safety of:
Our Personnel
Our Ships
The Cargo
The Environment
Provide each vessel in the state of readiness as required by the ship management contract or chart
Provide and improve vessel mechanical capability and reliability
Provide trained and competent crew
Minimize loss
Simplify the procedures and processes necessary to meet our customers' objectives
Spend only what is necessary to meet our customers goals and objectives